Defense attorney representing clients in date rape drug charge cases - Matthew P. Kelley, Attorney at Law
  • By: Matthew Kelley, Esq.

Date rape is one of the more common types of sexual assault. In many cases, assault happens among acquaintances, which can make the case difficult to prosecute and defend. In recent times, date rape drug charges have become a public spectacle after the indictment of several high-profile individuals on related accounts. However, while the crime is common, defending it can be complicated for several reasons, as highlighted below. Beyond Reasonable Doubt Like many other cases in West Harwich, MA and the larger United States, the evidence in date rape drug cases must be beyond reasonable…Read More

A man drinking liquor while driving, with police chasing him - Matthew P. Kelley, Attorney at Law
  • By: Matthew Kelley, Esq.

Being pulled over and arrested on OUI charges in Massachusetts can be upsetting and disorienting. You’re unsure of your options, and the legal system feels stacked against you. An arrest doesn’t just ruin a weekend; the impacts can be significant and have personal, professional, and financial consequences for you and your family. What are your options when arrested for an OUI? Can charges be contested? In this article, we’ll break down the legal implications of an OUI charge in Massachusetts, help you understand what to do after an arrest, and review your legal options and…Read More

Drugs, scattered money, and handcuffs on black background, symbolizing drug possession - Matthew P. Kelley, Attorney At Law
  • By: Matthew Kelley, Esq.

Drug charges are among the most common and stressful legal issues, often carrying disproportionate penalties that can impact every aspect of your life and future for years to come. This article explains the essentials of Massachusetts drug charges that everyone facing them needs to understand, including: The distinction between felony and misdemeanor drug charges, and why it matters. The penalties you are likely to face for drug charges in Massachusetts. How to build an effective legal defense against drug charges. Are Drug Distribution And Drug Possession Charged As Misdemeanors Or Felonies In Massachusetts? In Massachusetts,…Read More

Man holding mugshot in front of wall - Matthew P. Kelley, Attorney at Law
  • By: Matthew Kelley, Esq.

Few events are as stressful for a parent as the arrest of their child. Seeing them taken away by the police or receiving a phone call that they are in law enforcement custody is a terrifying experience. However, it is crucial to stay calm and take the right actions. This article aims to help you understand: The possible consequences of a juvenile conviction on your child’s freedom, job, and education. Why your child needs a good defense lawyer, even if they intend to plead guilty. Strategies and examples to ensure the best defense and protect…Read More

Two young men sitting on the ground drinking liquor - Matthew P. Kelley, Attorney at Law
  • By: Matthew Kelley, Esq.

In this article, you can learn about: What you should do immediately after your child is charged with an OUI. How a drunk driving charge will impact your teen’s license. The best defense against a teenage OUI charge in Massachusetts What's The First Step I Should Take If My Minor Child Is Charged With An OUI In Massachusetts? The juvenile court operates differently than adult court. While the penalties for a conviction might appear less severe on paper, the long-term consequences of an underage OUI can be even more impactful, potentially affecting their entire future.…Read More

Man driving car while holding a liquor bottle, representing DUI - Matthew P. Kelley, Attorney at Law
  • By: Matthew Kelley, Esq.

In this article, you can learn about: Why there is no Driving Under the Influence charge in Massachusetts. How field sobriety tests work, and when you might be arrested during an OUI stop. When to contact an OUI defense attorney and why it is so important to do so. What Is The Difference Between A DUI And An OUI? In Massachusetts, there is no charge specifically labeled as Driving Under the Influence (DUI). Instead, our statute addresses what is known as Operating Under the Influence (OUI) of alcohol or drugs. While the term DUI is…Read More

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